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'Browse The Heaven of Post'

Friday, May 13, 2016


The disease was 90% comes from the mind, 10% of them from the diet. Do not believe?? See Madman, physically healthy eating anything because his mind is always Happy.

The following list of diseases correlations with negative thoughts:

1) ANGRY, for 5 minutes will cause our immune system depressed 6 hours.

2) revenge & STORING bitterness will cause our immune die .. From there begins all diseases, such as STRESS, Cholesterol, Hypertension, HEART ATTACK, rheumatic, ARTHRITIS, STROKE (bleeding / blockage of blood vessels).

3) If we often allow ourselves STRESS, then we often experience indigestion.

4) If we often feel WORRY, then we are susceptible to illnesses BACK PAIN.

5) If you are easily offended, then we will tend to be affected by the disease insomnia (difficulty sleeping).

6) If we often experience CONFUSION, then we will be exposed SPINAL DISORDERS SECTION BELOW.

7) If we often allow ourselves to feel FEAR that EXEMPLARY, then we will get ill KIDNEY.

8) If we love air-NEGATIVE THINKING, then we will easily affected by dyspepsia (disease difficult to digest).

9) If we easily EMOTION & tend GRUMPY, then we could be susceptible to the disease HEPATITIS.

10) If we often feel APATHY (never cared) about the environment, then we will potentially experience DECREASED IMMUNE.

11) If we often consider trivial all the problems, then this can lead to disease diabetes.

12) If we often feel LONELY, then we can DEMENTIA SENELIS disease (reduced memory and control functions of the body).

13) If we often grieve and feel always LOW SELF, then we can contract leukemia (cancer of the white blood).

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