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Friday, May 13, 2016

What A Delicious Meises?

The Dutch called it hagelslag. In Indonesia, better known as Meises. Amrik sono people call it by the name of sprinkles or Jimmies. Meises is a friend of bread made of chocolate and sugar, and the form of bread like this many friends once found in Indonesia, Belgium, and Suriname which notabenenya countries is still a Dutch colony.

Hagelslag a.k.a meises first discovered by Gerard de Vries for Vens which is one company that stands for that year. Because at that time a lot of kids who ask for bread topping made of chocolate-especially the five-year old child named H. Baker who sent letters to be made toping bitiran brownish trigger the company to develop the manufacture meises. After conducting various studies and experiments, Hence the company managed to make a tool for making chocolate granules we call meises today.

Meises fascinating story of this, is the name used for meises in the Netherlands there is hagelslag. Why this is interesting because hagelslag actually taken from a natural phenomenon in the Netherlands there is the phenomenon of hail is often the case in the Netherlands (Hagel = es).

While in Indonesia itself is a name taken meises, which means little Dutch girls, who merunutu of words Meisje

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