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'Browse The Heaven of Post'

Friday, May 13, 2016

Japanese Feodal Samurai

Katana or samurai swords are famous all over the world will be a perfection of the designer's own sword. Katana is the symbol of the samurai and Japan as a whole. For the State of Japan, sword or katana has become a national treasure since 1989.

It has become the culture of the shogun and passed down from one shogun to another shogun in Edo Period (Shogun is a Japanese term meaning general). During the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century (which is trying to bring Japan into the modern world) many samurai who went rebelled when the government is trying to deprive them of the right to wear a katana as their symbol.

Even after losing the right to wear swords, samurai still revered as an ancestor of the Japanese people. However, at the end of the Second World War American colonists demanded that all residents of the surrender of all forms of weaponry, including swords of their ancestors. There is a sword that is missing is "Honjo Masamune", known as the Legendary Sword.

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