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'Browse The Heaven of Post'

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Valentine Memories

Claudius thought that if men do not get married, they will be happy to join the military. Then Claudius forbade their marriage. The young couple then consider this decision is unreasonable. Hence St. Valentine refused to do so.

St. Valentine still carrying out his duties as pastor, the married couples in love though in secret. This action is known by the emperor who immediately gave him a warning, but he was ignored and still bless the marriage in a small chapel lit only by candlelight.

Until one night, he was caught bless one couple. The couple managed to escape, but the hapless St. Valentine caught. He was thrown into prison and sentenced to death by beheading.

Since the death of Valentine (14 February), the story spread and spread, until no one else in the corners of Rome which had not heard the story of life and death. Grandparents telling tales of St. Valentine in her children and grandchildren to the level of cult.

When Catholicism began to grow, the leader of the church wants to contribute in that role. For this, they look for new leaders as a substitute for the god of Love, Lupercus. Finally they found a replacement Lupercus, namely St. Valentine.

In 494 AD, Pope Gelasius I changed the Lupercaria ceremony held every February 15 became the official celebration of the church. Two years later, the Pope changed the date of the celebration be February 14 to coincide with the date of the death of St. Valentine as a form of respect and cult to St. Valentine. Thus Lupercaria celebration is no longer there and replaced with "Valentine Days"

Skeletal remains unearthed from the tomb of St. Hyppolytus she Via Tibertinus near Rome, was identified as the remains of St. Valentinus. Then placed in a gold coffin and sent to the church Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. The bodies were given to them by Pope Gregory XVI in 1836.

Many tourists are now on pilgrimage to this church on Valentine's Day, where the gold coffin paraded in a solemn procession and brought to a high altar. On that day a special mass was held and presented to the young people and those who are in a relationship of love.

This feast is removed from the Church calendar in 1969 as part of a broader effort to remove saints whose origin is questionable and based only legends. But this feast is still celebrated in certain parishes.

As they progress, Valentine's Day has become a routine ritual for the church to be celebrated. In order not to seem formal, this warning is wrapped with entertainment or parties.

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