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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Become A Blogger

What the blogger? and how to become a blogger? - Blogger is a term that is not alien to be heard on today's society. The term is not foreign bloggers, especially those who daily deals with internet. However, despite grappling with the internet, it turns out there are also people who do not really understand what the bloggers and how to become a blogger. Well, two things that will be discussed in the text below.

What the bloggers and how to become a Blogger
Some people think being a blogger is one activity that can make money and there are also those who say bloggers can make a person could become famous like a celebrity. Hemm, do you think that's true? Yaps .. That's right. By becoming a blogger, you could become a successful entrepreneur and can also famous like an artist.

Examples of a blogger most obvious and apparent is Raditya Dika. His career in the field of authorship begins with the first being a blogger. And now, you can see how much he wrote a book that has been and how many fans. Well, then what is the real meaning of the bloggers themselves? Blogger is a term owner of a blog on the internet. Blogger is a person who likes the world of authorship and always active to fill the blog has. From the various descriptions above, we can conclude that bloggers are those who like to write in his own blog, make money from a blog under its belt, and a plus is famous.

Curious and want to know how to become a blogger? Stay tuned how to become a blogger as listed below!

1. Loved the world of authorship

The most important thing when you intend to become a blogger is the love in the world of writing. This is obviously because the essence of blogging is writing. However, make sure the content of your writing helpful.

2. Create a blog

To become a blogger, the second stage is to create a blog. Now there are so many blog creation platform that you can choose, but that is quite familiar are wordpress.com and blogger.com.

3. Charge with continuous blog

Furthermore, to become a blogger, you have to fill a blog that has been created. Fill out continuously with a variety of materials that are useful. The more helpful posts that will eventually leads you to be a great blogger, even your blog can be one of the money-producing machine.

That's how to become a blogger, is easy and fast and exciting is not it? Well, now we'll move on how to create a blog in order to make money. Here's how:

1. Showing ads in the blog, and you'll be paid for ads shown on your blog.
2. Sell products / goods through the blog.
3. Recorded blog that you may have and then publish it.

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