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Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Website Ranking

Installing Alexa Toolbar in your internet browser you are using

As has been mentioned before that alexa.com will determine the amount of traffic or visits is through the Alexa toolbar installed on internet browser. Actually, this method is not only beneficial for your own website or blog, but it is also beneficial for the website or blog that you visit frequently. But I am sure you will be more likely to visit your own blog in comparison with visiting other people's blogs. Interested want to install the Alexa toolbar in your browser, install it now.

Setting your Blog or Web browser into a Home Page on the Internet

What the heck is the purpose of the Home Page of the above? Look, if you run the alias open internet browser will automatically open a web page that has been set previously, well sites in the call that the home page. It's good at setting the home page for the web or your blog nih sendiri.begini how:

For Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)
Please run its internet explorer.
Look to the top, there is no menu bar. Click the "Tools" menu and select "Internet Options".
After his exit option, make sure you're on the General tab, write your blog address on an existing column. eg: creatingwebsite-maskolis.blogspot.com. Click the Apply button and then click the OK button.
Done. Now each time you open your Internet Explorer browser, you will be taken directly to the home page that you have set earlier! So, do not have to bother writing directly dech stay open!
For FireFox users essentially the same thing, stride something like:

For Firefox:
Please run its Firefox.
Click the Tools menu, click Options ...
After the exit options, click the Main tab. Fill in the name of the home page with your blog address. click the OK button. Done. So aja dech, do not bother. Easy huh, so soon buwat okay!
Make your blog post about alexa

With you writing about alexa, then the loyal visitors of your blog will be interested in using the Alexa tool, is certainly advantageous for entry to the alexa data will be very smooth.

Increase the number of visitors to your blog.

Alexa rank is a rank based on the number of visits to a website or blog, then of course the more visitors your website or blog, alexa rank, the better.

Those are some tips and tricks for alexa rank we can better position. In addition to the above tips we can increase Alexa ranking for example by registering our blog on growurl, Mybloglog, technorati and many more sites or media for disseminating blog / web. There are many ways and tricks both legal and illegal, but my advice wear in ways that are legal only. Hopefully alexa rank could be sped up in a short time and fast with a lot of visitors per day, remains always create new articles and interesting.

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