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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Myth of The Valentine

On 14 February is a day of celebration of a hero Christian sentenced to death are: St. Valentine, this incident happened on the 14th of February 270 AD

Valentine's is a day where people are being hit by love, each sending a message of love and gifts between each other, which is the day when the saint valentine died as a hero who stand firm in their faith.

Valentine used to say it was a messenger from Rhaetia and glorified as the first bishop of Passau.

That is the meaning behind the name valentine's day, now let's see how the history of the origin of the valentine day's it.

Origins of Valentine Day's History

This feast is one of the Roman feast Paganist (idolatrous), Roman nation had worshiped idols since 17 centuries ago. So Valentine's feast day is a designation to the love of their god.

On Valentine's history there are many versions are mentioned, but of the many versions concluded that Valentine's Day does not have a clear background at all.

This celebration has been around since the 4th century BC, which was held on 15 February, the celebration aimed to honor the god named Lupercus, the god of fertility, which represented half-naked and dressed in goat skin. This event shaped the ceremony and in it punctuated the draw to find a partner. By pulling the roll of paper containing the name, the girls get a couple. Then they get married for a period of one year, after which they could be abandoned. And if you already own, they write his name to be entered into the raffle box again at next year's ceremony.

Meanwhile, on February 14, 269 AD meninggallah a Christian pastor who is also known as a healer (physician) who philanthropist named Valentine.

He lived in the kingdom which was led by the Emperor Claudius notorious. He hated the emperor. Claudius ambition has a large military force, he wants all the men in his kingdom joined dalamya.

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