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Friday, June 3, 2016

Posting & Happy Blogging

It is undeniable still a lot to ask, how to make a blog. I'm even in some occasions, such as on Twitter and Facebook often gets requests to have created a blog. They are willing to pay even though the whole ways to create a blog I point this mazqueqiu.

For that reason, I provide a full tutorial to ease anyone, especially beginners to create a blog. Platforms we will use is Blogspot. Why? because, Blogspot is the most widely CMS users in Indonesia.

In this tutorial, there are three steps that must be done by a blogger (the term for the blog). Because you want to create a professional-looking blog so, then the three phases have to be passed and the entire contents of the blog in its own edit.

First Stage: Preparation

The first thing to do before making a blog is preparation. What should be prepared, of course, the main thing is the device, such as a computer or notebook which is of course connected to the Internet. If you do not have, you can rent them at the cafe.

After all the tools have been prepared. The next stage is to determine the destination. There are two basic objectives someone to create a blog. As a means of sharing notes, hobby community or even as a place to vent. There is also what makes blogs as livelihood (online business).

If you aim to make money blogging as a search engine, then you should follow the following preparatory stage;

Stage Two: Building

After a more or less know about the blog and conduct research into the theme of the blog will be created, the next step of course build it. Create a blog, especially Blogspot extremely easy and all provided free of charge.

For other settings, you can find on page Sitemap or + index.

Stage Three: Optimize

Once made, further optimization of the blog. You do not want vain to create a blog without readers. There are many ways to optimize some paid and some are free. If you do not want to bother, advertise, but if you do not have more money it's worth doing it's own way.

There are still many things to be done in order to optimize SEO (Search engine optimization). Updates will be made later.

Stage Four: Monetize

Third number of visitors to your blog is already high, the next step is to monetize. Even if this stage is not so important for all the blogs, especially those who do not intend to seek income in the blog. But this would also have known.

That some stage in building a blogspot blog into a professional to bring in revenue. Of course, the above tutorial is not yet fully complete. But at least this is the picture you have to do.

So for those who are still wondering how to create a blog, it's good to read each link in the tutorial above. These tutorials are preliminary and based on free platforms. Later, we'll make a tutorial to make a free blogspot blog be paid so that feels more professional impression.

If there are any questions or shortcomings in the above tutorial, do not hesitate to ask questions or add in the comments field below. Because by sharing, it was great and as difficult as it can be done with ease.

Happy Blogging.

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