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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Best of Military Technologies

1. VKS Without Sound: a large-caliber sniper rifle

Rifle caliber (12.7 mm), known as VKS (also known as Vykhlop) can attack different targets at distances up to 600 meters. With large-sized caliber, this rifle can pierce the heavy bulletproof vests and vehicles without armor.

VKS made with components bullpup (configuration firearms, which the mechanism and magazen or storage devices and charging ammunition are fused or mounted on firearms, located behind the trigger) that had a silencer attached. This rifle has magazen box (a bullet) external unilinear filled with five rounds of ammunition. At the top of the butt of the rifle, mounted Holdfast (buttons) for optical and night shooting. In addition VKS also equipped with an open shooting (shooting forward and overall).

2. BS-103: Aircraft Takeoff Unmanned which Vertically

The company "Unmanned Systems" has shown how the drone BS-103 is able to take off and land vertically. This aircraft can fly not only horizontally, but also vertically, like quadrocopter. Therefore, to fly the drones are not needed special catapults and not by hand.

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Drone is equipped with five electric motors commutatorless. In this mode of flying, takeoff and land vertically, these drones using four motors with vertical thrust. In horizontal flight, the drone uses a fifth motor with a horizontal thrust. Drone also allows the use of internal combustion engines that significantly increase the time and distance of the flight.

According to the developer drone, Sergey Aleksandrov, told RBTH, the aircraft can be used by companies of oil and gas for the monitoring of oil and gas pipelines, guard services to protect the border areas, and to monitor several areas, as well as assist in the delivery light for company- logistics company.

3. Engineers: Terrorists Storm

In Interpolitech 2015, the visitors were treated to a number of different robot systems with a dual purpose, one of which is a robot "Engineer" is on display right in the exhibition space.

Robot "Engineers" developed by the company Servosila is a small robot that can be used for public purposes (to mitigate the consequences of technological disasters) as well as military purposes, for example to fight terrorism or fighting in the city. Robot "Engineer" can be sent to remote places. This robot is suitable for complex terrain and in urban development. Thanks to the use of chain wheels, this robot can easily overcome obstacles, such as sidewalks, and even stairs.

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"Engineers" looks like a miniature tank without a turret. He has a mechanical arm equipped with laser antenna, stereo vision system, odometry sensors, and video cameras that can be raised up to 130 cm so as to increase the space vision. Thanks to its devices, these machines can not only transfer the three-dimensional image to the operator, but also to build a digital map of the route and can move independently in the event of loss of contact with the operator.

4. Terrain Office Pertempur: Laptop for War

In Interpolitech 2015, the Russian company TS displays strong office equipment. Water and sand poured on top of laptop and tablet then beaten with a hammer. But even so the machine continues to operate.

According to developers, the computer is designed for use in extreme conditions, such as in the Arctic, in the hot desert, above the deck of the ship in a storm, and so on. These devices operate at temperatures ranging from -50 to 55 degrees Celsius, in the pouring rain and even in a sand storm.

Although the laptop is named as "Laptop Army", this device will be useful not only for military purposes, but also for geologists, transport workers and oil workers. In short, this device is intended for all those who have to work in the field.

5. Ural: Car Interior Ministry Special Forces

Automakers "Ural" off-road car displays three pivots. Cars Ural-BB patented and only made specifically for the Interior Ministry forces.

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Ural-BB can serve as a means of transportation personnel. By doing so, this car has a certain level of protection that protects from debris, loaded guns, and explosions of various home-made explosive devices and mines. If needed, the crew operate the car can be locked from the inside and shoot from the pass, as well as two top compartments.

In addition, these vehicles can also transport goods, serves as the command staff vehicles, ambulances, and used for the assembly of equipment and weapons.

This vehicle has a gross weight of 18.5 tons with a maximum speed of up to 90 km / h and valued at 10 million rubles (about 2 billion rupiah).

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