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Monday, May 16, 2016

The World's Most Valuable Metals

Maybe some people just know that the expensive precious metal in the world is gold and silver. Gold and silver were encountered because of the jewels in the world generally use two of these metals. Metals can be very expensive because it is very difficult to find in nature. To get the gold, for example, need a separate land and mining for gold contained. The gold content is very little on the ground, sometimes gold is also mixed with silver, copper and various other metals. That is why a metal can be very expensive. Well, here it is 10 most precious metals (can be said to be the most expensive) in the world;

1. Gold

crystals Gold
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Alchemist-hp
Gold is a metal that is yellow, shiny, heavy, mushy, soft and elastic. The value of gold is used as a financial standard in many countries around the world. The use of gold in the monetary and financial field based on the absolute value of the gold itself against the various currencies around the world. The form of the use of gold in the monetary field is typically in the form of gold bullion in units of grams to kilograms [source: Wikipedia]. In addition to the monetary and financial fields, gold is used as jewelry. There are so many models of jewelry made from a mixture of gold and other metals such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, watches, and so forth. Gold is also used to make electronic components, shielding the window, and so on.
Countries in the world's largest gold miners include; South Africa, United States, Australia, and China. In Indonesia, the gold content is very much especially on the island of Papua. The current gold price is the highest among the other metals. At the close of November 8, 2012, the price of gold was $ 1731.90 per ounce (US $ 61.09 per gram) or Rp16.652.218,5 per ounce (Rp587.389,7 per gram) assuming a 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source : Kitco]
2. Platinum

crystals Platinum
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Periodictableru
Platinum is a silvery metal and dazzle and resistant to corrosion. Platinum is used for lab equipment (eg electrode), platinum thermometers, dentistry equipment, jewelry, weapons, and as a catalyst applications together with rhodium and palladium to control exhaust emissions [source: Wikipedia].
Platinum is a metal that is very rare as well as other precious metals. These metals are found in South Africa, Russia, Canada, and other countries. Each year only a few hundred tons are produced from various countries. This is what makes Platinum prices are very high. On November 8, 2012, the price of platinum closed at a price of USD 1538 per ounce (US $ 54.25 per gram) or Rp14.787.870 per ounce (Rp521.626,76 per gram) assuming a 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source: Kitco] ,
3. Rhodium

Powders and solids Rhodium
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Alchemist-hp
Rhodium is a silvery metal as the metal in general. Rhodium is very resistant of corrosion and highly reflective (can reflect light) and has a very high melting point. This metal is used for the improvement of jewelery, spotlights and mirrors. Rhodium is also used for aircraft turbine engines, combined with Platinum. Examples of other use is as a material for producing nitric acid (HNO3) and the hydrogenation of organic compounds. The use of rhodium generally is in the automotive sector as a catalyst applications, where metal is used together with platinum and palladium to control exhaust emissions [source: Kitco].
Rhodium is a metal that is very rare and only found in a few places. The world's major producer of rhodium is South Africa with a percentage of 60% of world rhodium supply. While the second was Russia's producer. In the 1980s, the production of rhodium from South Africa increased resulting in a decrease in the world price of rhodium. However, rhodium is still the metal with the highest prices in the world. During the past month, October 10 to November 9, 2012, the average price of rhodium is USD 1203.26 per ounce (US $ 42.44 per gram) or Rp11.569.344,9 per ounce (Rp408.096,63 per gram) with assuming 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source: Kitco].
 4. Iridium

Kristal Iridium
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Materialscientist
Iridium is a metal that is very hard, brittle, silvery. Iridium is the second most populous after Osmium element and a metal that is highly resistant to corrosion even at temperatures of 2000 ° C. Iridium was discovered in 1803 by Smithson Tennant. Named Iridium of goddess Iris, the personification of the rainbow [source: Wikipedia].
Iridium is an element that is found in the earth's crust. This element is also very common in meteorites. World reserves are in South Africa. It is also found in other countries in the world. On November 9, 2012, the price of iridium is USD 1050 per ounce (US $ 37.04 per gram) or Rp10.095.750 per ounce (Rp356.117 per gram) assuming a 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source: InfoMine].
5. Palladium

Kristal Palladium
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Jurii
Palladium is a silvery-white metal and shiny. Palladium included in the platinum group metals (PGMs) together with platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium. Palladium has the lowest melting point among the metals and is the densest. Palladium most widely used application in the field of automotive catalysts to control exhaust emissions together with rhodium and platinum. Palladium is also used in electronics, medicine, hydrogen purification, treatment, etc. [source: Wikipedia].
Palladium is a metal that is very rare. He is most prevalent in South Africa, the United States, Canada, and Russia. On November 8, 2012, the palladium price is USD 613 per ounce (US $ 21.62 per gram) or Rp5.893.995 per ounce (Rp207.904,5 per gram) assuming a 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source: Kitco].
6. Osmium

Osmium crystals
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Alchemist-hp
Osmium is colored metallic bluish-gray or bluish black. Metal is a hard, brittle, corrosion resistant, and very dense. Osmium slightly denser than iridium. Osmium is rarely used in a pure state, it is often mixed with other metals. Osmoiridium one of a kind mixture of osmium with iridium used to the pen tip is not easily damaged due to frequent use. Osmium tetroxide is normally used in fingerprint detection and staining fatty tissue for optical microscopy. The use of 90% platinum and 10% osmium is as pacemakers and replacement pulmonary valve.
Osmium biggest reserves are in South Africa, Canada, and Russia. On November 11, 2012, the price of osmium is USD 400 per ounce (US $ 14.1 per gram) or Rp3.846.000 per ounce (Rp135.663,6 per gram) assuming a 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source: BASF].
7. Rhenium

Rhenium solids
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Alchemist-hp
Rhenium is a transition metal that is included in a group of seven elements in the periodic table. Rhenium silvery-white and has a high melting point. This metal is also one of the densest metals as platinum, iridium and osmium. Rhenium is used to make the parts of a jet engine. It is also used for the platinum-rhenium catalysts [source: Wikipedia].
Rhenium biggest reserves are in Chile is a major producer of rhenium. It is also found in the United States, Peru, and Kazakhstan. On November 11, 2012, the price of rhenium is $ 3,000 per pound (USD 6.61 per gram) or Rp28.845.000 per ounce (Rp63.592,34 per gram) assuming a 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source: BASF].
8. Ruthenium

Kristal Ruthenium
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Periodictableru
Ruthenum is a transition metal belonging to the platinum (PGMs). This metal is very hard and silvery-white. Ruthenium is rarely found in the world. Usually a small part of the platinum ore. Ruthenium is widely used in electronic devices to overcome the rust is common in other metals [source: Wikipedia].
Production of ruthenium only about 20 tons annually and most are found in the countries of Russia and the United States. Besides ruthenium are also found in Canada and South Africa. On November 9, 2012, ruthenium price is USD 100 per ounce ($ 3.5 per gram) or Rp961.500 per ounce (Rp33.915,9 per gram) assuming a 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source: infoMine]
9. Silver

crystals Silver
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Alchemist-hp
Silver is a transition metal colored soft grayish white and shiny. This metal has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal. Silver has long been valued as a precious metal and is widely used as jewelry, ornaments, currency, catalysis of chemical reactions, material reflection in the mirror, and so forth [source: Wikipedia].
The world's reserves of silver produced in those countries; Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Australia, Poland, Chile, Argentina, Canada, and other countries in the world. On November 9, 2012, the price of silver was $ 32.57 per ounce (US $ 1.15 per gram) or Rp313.160,5 per ounce (Rp11.046,4 per gram) assuming a 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source: InfoMine ].
10. Indium

Indium bars
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Credit: Nerdtalker
Indium is a silvery-white metal, very soft, and has a low melting point. In World War II, indium widely used as cushioning coat aircraft. In addition, indium are also used as a component of lead-free solder [source: Wikipedia].
The largest manufacturer of indium in British Columbia, Canada. While indium is a leading manufacturer in China. Besides other indium producers are in Bolivia and other countries in the world. In 2011, the price of indium is USD 720 per kg (USD 0.72 per gram) or Rp6.922.800 per kg (Rp6.922,8 per gram) assuming a 1 dollar = 9615 rupiah [source: USGS].

Read more: http://blog.anashir.com/2012/11/10-logam-paling-berharga-di-dunia.html#ixzz48qm8IanG

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