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Monday, May 16, 2016

Lux Price Click

Now let us discuss the high-value advertising and how to get it.

Ad is worth considering, is one key to the success of Adsense.

Let me give you an example: if the day there were as many as 10 clicks on the ad, then if his ad is worth $ 0.05 we only get money of $ 0.5 only. But if the ads that appear are ads that are 'priced', say $ 1 per click, then with 10 clicks only, we already pocketed $ 10.

Far different is not it?

So, this is one factor in determining success or not we are in the business of Adsense.

It is not as easy as pronounced. Need a bit of hard work until we actually find that fit. For starters you try to search in Google: high paying adsense ads or keywords expensive adsense. You will find a lot of inspiration from it.

adsense success tips, high-value advertising
Constraints are usually often happens is, we have determined the topics for our blog, where topics that did not have a high advertising value. Instead, we have found a keyword that expensive, but unfortunately we do not master the subject, so difficult to write an article about it.

Despite that, we still should not give up and despair is not it?

And here's some tips that might be useful in search and find ads that high value to our blog.

Research keywords (keyword)
It is important, that should have been done from the outset in determining the topic for the blog, the search for the keyword "pas", pas mastered the material, fitting competitiveness, a fitting number of its search, and certainly fit the value of its ads.

Most bloggers use of Google Adwords Keyword Tool to do this. Enter the keywords you wish to find, then we will find the results below in table form. Where we can analyze a keyword, such as the level of competition, many searched on google, and so forth.

As a rule easy: find a low competition keywords, but pretty much sought after, and of course the value of its advertising or in the results table is referred to as CPC (cost per click).

to display the CPC column, you must be signed in to Google Adwords. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but with a little creativity and hard work, sure we could find the keyword or keywords that fit and appropriate for our blog.

Do a keyword has ad?
Easy to do, enter a keyword in the search field on Google. See the results. Are there ads in the search results?

If there is, it's a good sign, because it was the same ads that will appear on our blog pages with those keywords. If not, you should choose another keyword.

Please try again and try again!
This is something that is very unpleasant, and it may be a little frustrating. But, this is the best tips I can share with my friend all. Try writing a new article on a topic. And checks continue to perform.

Google Adsense allows us to see the extent to which the performance of a specific page on our blog via our "channel" or "channel" advertising. If the result is not satisfactory, create more articles on other topics again, continue to do so until we find the expected.

Hmmm .. tired huh? Yes, it takes hard work to succeed. With this find, if we are observant enough, we will easily see which pages generate high-value advertising, by dividing the value of the acquisition by the number of clicks.

Those are some things we can do to get the topic, niche, keywords that produce high-value advertising.

Anyway, there is one more tool that I think is very good for this purpose, which is WordTracker. This site does not only help us find the right keywords, but also displays useful information, such as how many sites you have mastered these keywords and so on.

Getting high-value advertising is one of the important factors to maximize revenue from Adsense, but it also would be useless without a business importing high traffic.

Up here in our discussion of getting the best keywords for your blog. We will continue on for rent Relevant. May be useful, success for us all.

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