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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Shot Your Desktop with Lightshot

ScreenShot Application Desktop Lightshot. Screen Capture, Screenshot or print screen is the term we use to display an image or recording of a desktop computer screen. The use of print screen function is usually we use when recording desktop look like when making a tutorial or there is an error in the application or windows and then used in the form of images.

Basically the use of print screen or screenshot on an existing computer, pressing the PrtSc (PrintScreen) on the keyboard we've been able to record a desktop view. But the drawback is we have to paste the results print screen to another application such as paint, office, photosop and others to get it into the form of images.

ScreenShot Application Desktop Lightshot. Screen Capture, Screenshot or print screen is the term we use to display an image or recording of a desktop computer screen. The use of print screen function is usually we use when recording desktop look like when making a tutorial or there is an error in the application or windows and then used in the form of images.

Basically the use of print screen or screenshot on an existing computer, pressing the PrtSc (PrintScreen) on the keyboard we've been able to record a desktop view. But the drawback is we have to paste the results print screen to another application such as paint, office, photosop and others to get it into the form of images.

But this time I will introduce one screenshot application that can simplify the desktop display record buddy. That application Lightshot. By using this application easy to record a desktop view. The existing features of this application is that we can determine the width and length of the desktop computer that will be recorded and made pictures. Moreover we can add gari aids such as arrows, making aid box, add text, and so forth. And the results can be directly saved without pasting into another application. In addition we can immediately share the results print to the internet. I also use this application to create an image of a tutorial on this blog.

This complication is available for Windows and Mac users. Install applications lightshot as usual. When finished installing it automatically when we press PrtSc on your keyboard print screen function has been transferred to this application. Sample results print screen using lighshot.

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