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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Quora, Write Your World

Quora, 2011 Social Networking Sites - Latest News, During the year 2010, most Internet users have used social networking sites such as facebook and twitter. Both social networking sites have emerged recently, is becoming more popular around the world. Both sites are managed to shift other networking sites such as MySpace, Friendster, and Bebo. Gradually they began to fade in the world of social networking. Then if in the year 2011, Facebook and Twitter will continue to shine? Talk in 2011, some say Facebook IPO canceled although the valuation has reached Rp 450 trillion, then MySpace is sold, even if the news also on Twitter in 2011 will begin to be forgotten because it is boring. However, when talking about services like Twitter, it seems this year they will become a trend in social networking.

Why Twitter is estimated to be boring? The microblogging service is still launch a number of new features in the future, followed by a decline in senior executive or regeneration. More recently, Twitter also received a cash injection to build an ad platform and re-design.

However, Twitter is expected to focus on advertising platform and launch features to support its business alone. This is what is feared will make slow progress. The next year, Twitter will become one of the most boring social media services. But, merely forecasts.

For now, Twitter still be quiet. But, while more Twitter will be the arrival of a new competitor called Quora. Quora is a social networking site that could be considered almost have services similar to Twitter, but Quora is the answer to the perfection of Twitter. He appeared to be the exchange of knowledge online world. Arguably also like wikipedia, because this site will accommodate all the questions, answers, and edits made by its users.

Quora predicted will explode this year because of its function more or less the same as Twitter, where the end users that produce content (user generated content), then Quora will take advantage of the moment to shift Twitter. Question and answer site Quora social origin Silicon Valley could become the new belle of this year. Unfortunately, Quora launched in June 2010 and still can not be fully enjoyed by the general public. However, we believe they will start this year, using the momentum of Twitter and ready for takeoff.

Quora could represent greater technology trends, which can meet most of the criteria needs of the average user of social media. If at Twitter, you can follow someone on Quora You can also follow topics and questions in addition to people. That is, you can follow it whatever you like, not merely figures or people.

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