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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Paypal Instanly Cash Out

PayPal history begins from a company called Confinity founded by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin in 1998 ago. Officially, PayPal launched a new payment system services in 1999, funded by the John Malloy of BlueRun Ventures. A year later, in March 2000, Confinity joined X.com made by Elon Musk.

In June 2000, PayPal continues to develop itself by introducing a new type of account that is intended for business users. This type of account specifically for users who record high transaction volume at the cost of the fee for each transaction. At the end of 2001, more than one fifth of 12.8 million PayPal account has been upgraded to the type of business.

While continuing to tread the path sweetness, Elon Musk and then rename the ranks of PayPal into PayPal Inc. and officially stepping on the trading floor in 2002 with a value of $ 13 per share and raised an investment of $ 61 million. Shortly after the IPO, PayPal directly spoken by eBay in July 2002 with a dowry of $ 1.5 billion. Today, more than 70% shanties on eBay using PayPal as a payment instrument.

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