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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Get Paid By Paypal

If this is the first time for you to hear the term PayPal, it's natural to wonder what it is and what its uses PayPal. PayPal is an electronic payment system that replaces conventional transactions such as checks and money transfers. Have PayPal, supposing you have an online account that can be used to purchase products and receive funds from people who have a PayPal account or credit card.

That makes PayPal so favored, you can access your account at any time and anywhere, making payments with funds either from a credit card, debit card or bank account. Although not specifically directed to the sellers, but PayPal makes online store manager, sellers and others to offer payment alternatives for their customers. Additionally, you can send money to other PayPal account with email instead of account numbers. Now, PayPal has been used by more than 179 million active users to reach 200 markets and 100 currencies worldwide.

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