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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Delicious Italian Lasagna

Lasagna is a paste containing meat baked in the oven. You knew not, lasagna is one type of pasta that comes from Italy. For stuffing lasagna, can be filled with lots of stuffing such as vegetables, meat, chicken, and seafood liking.

There are a few versions Stories
There are three theories that explain the origin of this lasagna pasta. Two historical sources mention this dish comes from Ancient Greece. In Greek, lasagna means thin flat bread and unleavened. Another theory states the origin comes from the Greek lasagna (Lasana) or (Lasanon) meaning "trivet or stand for pot" and "chamber pot".

The Romans used the word "lasanum" which in Latin means "pot" where they refer to a dish where lasagna made. A third theory is that the food history Lasagna is an English recipe development of the 14th century "lotions" as mentioned in the Forme of Cury, a cookery book in the reign of Richard II. However, this theory is still being debated. Until now, the lasagne is still believed to be the traditional Italian cuisine.

Now, lasagna indeed has emerged as the food was delicious. Pasta shaped thin sheet width and it served as a baked dish. Whatever version of the story, there is one thing in common sense that is called lasagna is a sheet of pasta dishes, meat sauce, and slices of cheese.

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