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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Whaff Give You Reward

Are you the Smartphone and Tablet Android?

If so, then there is good news for you all. By using the Android phone we can earn money (dollars) when using the application whaff Rewards. If the account balance whaff has reached the minimum payout is as much as 10 dollars then within a period of not less than 3 days the money can be withdrawn into account.

Rewards whaff Actually what it is, and how does it work?

Whaff Rewards is an application Reward app / Android app on similar Reward Gift Card like Tap Cash and Junowallet. Whaff is an Android application that allows users to earn rewards in the form of money by way of berakfitas in whaff account such as downloading apps, playing games, or running applications recommended by whaff.

We can just download a specific application directly through Google Play or through "intermediaries" whaff Rewards. But the difference is, when instantly download the app from Google Play on signed whaff, then we will not get a commission. And conversely, download applications recommended by whaff Rewards, we will get a dollar. The more often indulge in whaff account, the more the coffers coffers of dollars that can be collected.


Whaff provide android apps and games (from third parties), if users download and run the recommended application whaff then the user will get the rewards. In addition to downloading and running applications, we also can earn commissions by way whaff invite or recommend the application to friends facebook. How to invite already be set such that we simply press the invite button as shown above and will not interfere with other facebook users. To one friend in the invite we will get 0.01 dollars, it does not matter if the friend invite facebook disregard for installing apps, because we keep PAID. 0.01 dollar does look a little bit, but when you have so many friends facebook friends eg 5000. Just multiply $ 0.01 x 5000 = 50 Dollars (exchange rate - 1 US dollar = Rp.12.207,00 October 15). The results are quite right?

It was only on the facebook friend invite yet others such as downloads, daily application missions, maintain applications on smartphones, play online games, and so forth. What is clear is Greater Than Dollars Invite friends facebook. "Paid" given varied from 0.15 to 0.40 dollars per app downloaded. As for daily activities (for example, open the app 1 minutes a day, 3 minutes a day playing games, etc.) will get a different commission also vary ranging from 0.02 to 0.05 dollars per day just from one application. You can run some or many daily applications at once.

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