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Saturday, May 14, 2016

How Adsense Paid Your Post

How you are paid by google adsense?

How calculation set by the google adsense, so you are entitled to be paid?

What if the adsense ads are not clicked, would still be paid?

It was some of the questions that often arise from some people, either already received google adsense, or who do not have google adsense account though.

What is so special about google adsense, so many people successfully generate hundreds to thousands of dollars a month. How come? How his payment details? Well I will explain one by one with a simple language and hopefully can understand.

The mean by Publisher adsense is who they claim to serve ads from google, After the approval of the google of criteria and requirements to become publishers on google either of Partners google (like youtube and blogspot) as well as a website or blog outside partners google (. com .net .org .tv)

Adsense publisher who is clearly a must have video uploaded on youtube or have a website or blog, where display ads google adsense. Of course it should follow a policy (TOS) of the google adsense.

Well now how you are paid by google adsense? Google adsense parties have their own calculation in setting the fee for the ad publisher. Party Google offers several different options for a variety of ads may appear on page views.

Type in google adsense ad types include:
Text, Image, Multimedia, Flash, Video, Advertising animated images, Audio, Link units

Here I will describe only thing or the most important part in the calculation of google adsense, at least we can get a little out.

CPC = Abbreviation of (Cost Per Click (Cost Per Click). The term CPC is used to calculate the cost per click, cost per click is determined by the advertiser, the CPC for each advertiser is different, some are willing to pay more than other advertisers, depending on what being advertised.

We do not know how CPC values, only the google and the affected advertisers who know the great CPC value for each ad unit different from one another depending on the particular keyword.

CTR = Abbreviation of Click Through Rate. CTR term in use for calculating the number of ad clicks and divided by the number of ad impressions. So, if the ad is displayed on a website / blog as much as 1500 times and getting 12 times the clicks his CTR is 12/1500 = 0.008 = 0.8%

CPM = Cost per Mille
In Indonesia the term commonly called CPM (Cost per Thousand), CPM and CPM so that means the same thing, namely adsense publisher will receive payments based on calculations per thousand times the page views.
RPM = Revenue Per Impression Thoushand
Average income who can get out of every 1,000 impressions. For many Adsense Publisher, RPM is obtained between $ 1 - $ 5, depending on the region, type of content and ad relevance. RPM itself is classified in three ways, as below.

1. RPM Queries
Query revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) is calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of queries reported, then multiplying by 1000.
Query RPM = (Estimated earnings / Number of queries) * 1000
For example, if you generate queries estimated $ 60 of 15,000 queries, RPM your query would be equivalent to ($ 60 / 15,000) * 1000, or $ 4 00.

2. RPM Page
Revenue per thousand page impressions (RPM) is calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of ad requests are made, then multiplying by 1000.
Page RPM = (Estimated earnings / Total page views) * 1000
If you earned $ 0.15 from 25 page views, then your page eCPM would equal ($ 0.15 / 25) * 1000, or $ 6.00.

3. RPM Ad Requests
Request revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) is calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of ad requests are made, then multiplying by 1000

Based on the official source

There are still many other terms in google adsense calculation that determines the amount of payments to Publisher adsense, if you want to learn more, be open to the source link.

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