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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Mykites.net Paid to Write

What is Mykites? Flying Like A Kites!

Mykites is a platform roomates Allows everyone to upload and share Reviews their post, while allowing everyone to earn while interacting with other mykites members, such as viewing, liking, commenting, or sharing etc. The interface was designed to be handy for new users and the cashout threshold is 5000 flightpoints, or it is equivalent to $ 15, that is decent offer for a free site and easy task.

How Does it Work?

Their are  5 levels that "Kiters" have to go through. The levels are listed below:

The amount of Flight Points determines your level. Users may also receieve extra benefits when reaching a new level.

Let's Talk about Pay?

As mention in the last paragraph, users are paid in  Flight Points. Points can be redeem via PayPal of check for Indian residents. If you want a specific numbers, 5000 Flight Points much be reached before users can be redeemed.

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