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Friday, May 13, 2016

Top High Paying Keywords

The internet carries hundreds of websites about top paying keywords. These sites tell you how you can increase AdSense revenue. But if you really want to know how to get the highest paying keywords to give you a significant rise in pay per clicks, there are some vital aspects to consider.

The first is optimization. A lot of amateur website designers will make websites around high paying keywords but they omit to optimize the site on a specific keyword. They obviously know nothing about creating title tags, keyword density, page description, or how to create a spider friendly code.

It is important to remember that Google's AdSense program, Kanoodle and Yahoo must be able to detect a source code before deciding on which adverts will appear. For example, if your top two keywords are 'medical' and 'downloads', you'll end up getting adverts about 'medical downloads', with very little pay.

If your keyword density score is too high, the search engines, especially Google, will not be impressed. Therefore don't ever spam keywords. Rather optimize your page correctly.

Your content is also vital if you want to see an increase in pay per clicks. If you want to entice high paying adverts, you have got to interest visitors in what your advertiser requires.

Your content should answer questions like: What are the benefits of medical insurance? Why should the visitor think about medical insurance? Where can I get the cheapest medical insurance? You have got to get your visitors interested. Once you have got their attention, they will be far more likely to look at your adverts if they are getting information.

The content should also flow easily. Don't jam keywords into the content. A visitor will become suspicious that you are trying to hoodwink him or her. If this happens, you can be sure they will never come back. All you have succeeded in doing is wasting their time. You will produce higher paying adverts with clear flowing content.

You should also make a keyword list. If you can't make one yourself, then buy one because it is essential. Make up a list of all relevant keywords that can be used on your website. Then, by a process of elimination, decide on the ones that are likely to be the highest paying keywords. As mentioned earlier, if you cannot do this properly yourself, it will be worth every cent if you buy a properly researched keyword list.

When you are happy that your keywords can be profitable, you can go ahead and build your website. Incorporate good content around your highest paying keywords, and then index your site on the search engines. Again it must be emphasized ' you have got to grab your visitor's attention. And you've only got a couple of seconds to do it!

If you bear all of the above in mind, there is no reason why you should not lure visitors to your website. Your pages will contain highest paying keywords; therefore the adverts will have a high cost per click. When customers arrive at your site, the result will be more income for you.

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