This time to be a google adsense publisher seems not an easy thing, we are required to meet the requirements that meet their policy and only blogs which they meet the requirements that will be accepted as a publisher, a pride when we successfully received the publisher adsense what should we do seletelah successfully received is keeping our adsense account to continue running and not getting banned, please note adsense is one advertising medium are super sensitive and prone banned. the slightest mistake could cause our account disabled.
Type Banned Google Adsense
There are several types of banned google adsense that we should be aware that:
a. banned Blog
Banned blog is adsense ads would not appear on a specific blog, banned this one usually occur because blog content is not in accordance with the policy of google adsense, it seems we still have hope when subjected banned on blogs, to get out of the banned blog is not too difficult, we can to make improvements that contains the contents of a breach and appeal, if it is considered to have clean, usually adsense will receive back on the blog to advertise
b. Adsense Account Banned
Banned adsense account is one form of banned google adsense that we must be cautious, if getting banned this one's over history google adsense, banned adsense account usually happens because we do not obey all the rules and policies google adsense, and this is considered banned high level, because once an adsense account got banned then google will normally not believe anymore author of the blog in question, which causes every time we make readmission and detected that we are the same author ever adsensnnya account got banned, google will not accept returns.
For the former banned google adsense account, in order to be accepted into a publisher may be returning, the only way you should use the new email that has not been pre-registered, and a new blog that has never been registered before. if not, may be received back into adsense publisher seems to be difficult.
How to Play Safe Google Adsense to not hit Banned
What should we do after successfully accepted to be publisher adsense is adsense account to preserve and protect us from things that can cause banned, in this article I will discuss about tips on how to safely play google adsense, as follows:
1. Never click on their own ads
This one was beanr forbidden and we must never do, do not feel able to fool google, then we click on the ads themselves, either directly by visiting our blog and then clicking on it, or through a search engine and then we go to our blog and clicking on it, google is very sensitive, and has advanced detection to find the pubishernya any fraud, any illegal acts that we do will ultimately be detected and the risks of our beloved google adsense account should we put behind banned.
2. Add Google AdSense ads per policy
Should we have to pay close attention each policy recommended ways is advertising, do not ever try to violate the policy, if we want our adsense account age long, here beebrapa offense in terms of how to put adsense ads:
a. Do not Advertise sticky or tacky
when the blog page discroll advertisement attached usually do not make scrolling, static, fixed look, if what you are doing like this should be correct, if you melalkukan this technique and still banned, wait it may be a matter of time at the end of your blog will get banned , or maybe your adsense account got banned.
c. Do not Put an ad right below writing commands to perform kl! Ck! Kl @ n
This should not be done, namely advertisements under article that ordered directly so that a visitor clicks on an ad, in the eyes of adsense is prohibited and if ketauan konsequensinya banned on our adsense account.
d. Modify the look and color of ads
Should this not be done, do not ever modify the appearance of ads manually, otherwise adsense account we tipped banned, sebaknya we advertise and never modify either of strukturkod ad units as well as from the view manually, the better your ad to show what their ,
3. Be careful when we make a blog article
Adsense is one of the advertising media highly sensitive to any atruan play and kebikan that does not comply with the policy of google adsense, one of which is generally adsense ads would not appear on most pages if the article that we make are the words that violate TOS google adsense.
Please read: 11 causes banned on google adsense.
basically every time we publish articles, preferably articles which we published our first review to ensure that we put adsense ads appear, if indicated adsense ads would not appear on the article page should you check the words in the article,
Usually the words that are vulgar, jud !, 0b @ t and such can trigger dibannednya our adsense blog, sometimes the words we've entered by mistake, therefore we must always be careful when publishing articles that are used for monetization adsense ,
4. Filtering comments before the blog is published
Should we have to be careful when playing adsense, may be articles that we make are not violated at all and articles that we make a very original, does not contain words that are prohibited, but remember, the entrance that allows words banned adsense listed on blog us without us knowing, that blog comments, remember we should have to filter any comments blog entry because generally there are commentators that includes the name of a commentator with words - words that are prohibited adsense, also the content of the comments that smelled words that violate the rules adsense , jikta found such comments should we fileter by deleting the contents of comments and if necessary remove all parts of the commentary, for the security of our beloved blog, so do not get banned blogs.
5. Do not ask friends or other people to click on ads
Never ask a friend to click on ads, be it sending a request by email directly or through potingan or messages of social media, google will eventually be able to detect every violation, you should never do in any way if it does not wait for your adsense account banned.
6. Do not use the copy and paste articles
Google respects the rights of intellectual property, one of which is highly appreciated product origninal an article, if found in our blog that article that we make are articles kopipaste without modification and without including the source link is active, this will trigger our adsense ads banned on the blog , or it could be that didelete our blog,
you should be careful when doing copy and paste, if you did handyman kopas, do not forget to put links Suber active and should not equal 100%, otherwise it could be blogs outcome copy and paste you reported sipemilik articles, and finally your blog can didelete or may The smallest risk of your articles will never be found deindek search engines.
Nor should you feel smart to outsmart schedule for publishing the article copy and paste you with postponed publishing manually, so impressed articles published prior to the original article where you melakukukan copy and paste, remember setting the schedule in the post is to schedule terpublish in the blog, the schedule is actually behind the sceene can still be detected google. if there is a report from its original owner Google can easily detect where articles colongan and where the original article. if convicted at the end of your blog could be removed from the virtual world.
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