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Saturday, May 14, 2016

High Paying Keyword

Adsense earnings can reach its maximum volume when high CPC. CPC or cost per click is an advertising value of the price per click advertising in which each price is quite varied, there are 0:03 / 0:04 click 0:05 ff.

With many advertisers within the Adwords network is definitely an ad click prices they offer are also quite varied, here is a loss for a publisher when the horse tends to get the price of ad clicks are cheap, let alone up to 0:01 / click.

How in order to get a high CPC?

Actually there are many factors that influence the expensive-cheap-click ads on your weblog. Beginning of factors niche weblog, a popular article on the weblog, pagerank, etc. We may not have all the things needed, such as high pagerank misalanya. Then, the question is "whether the weblog that has been already raised the specific topic in which the value of clicks cost then no longer have the opportunity to get Adsense clicks an expensive price?", The answer still could be raised by a number of ways.

Here are some tips you can emplementasikan that Adsense CPC can be more expensive

Restrict advertising. Simply use 3 ad units and select the format type is text and image ads.

You try to post some articles that have value HPK (high paying keywords) that is still associated with the main theme of your weblog. You do not need to worry, there are plenty of HPK that you can customize with the main theme of your blog. Type HPK not be based on certain keywords.

Make an article that is dense and quality. What do CPC high quality article? Articles dense and quality you can use to insert more keywords containing HPK. Meanwhile, if you write a short article, it is certainly not a lot of keywords that you can enter.

Make a filter / filtering ads from advertsiser that pay reasonably priced. Here I did not include a list of advertiser website that pays the price of ad clicks cost because data is always changing from time to time. Observe the performance and clicks an ad via AdSense account Dashboard.

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