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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Get Paid to Click By Clixsense

ClixSense been online and paying members since February 2007. Originally started as a PTC (Pay To Click) and over the past few years has become more and more like GPT (Get Paid To) not only PTC. While I do not consider it as a GPT site as usual, Clixsense give you more than one way to get a dollar. As such, members can now get from completing offers, surveys, listening to the radio (radio loyalty), and other tasks.
They have recently added offers from third parties that includes: SupersonicAds, Matomy, TokenAds, SuperRewards, TrialPay, RadiumOne, PeanutLabs and CrowdFlower tasks (so more and more ways to get dollars from Clixsense, not only click ads only)

The "ClixGrid" is a feature that Clixsense launched on August 21, 2008. Over time, this feature is popular and has been followed by other similar sites. The way it works is that a user will click on an area of ​​an image in the grid and the ad will open. After the ad finishes loading timer that will tell you whether you have won a prize. Cash prizes ranging from $ 0.10 to $ 10 Free Members can now play 30 times per day. Premium members can play 60 times per day, so the premium members get the chance 2X.

Because Clixsense been tested as PTC is legit, then Paypal provides features "Instant Payout", that is if you withdraw / payout and payment processor you are Paypal, then the request withdraw / payout you will be immediately processed by Paypal (my experience is less than 5 minutes've got my Paypal balance)
Site older than 6 years and had no major problems and become an Elite saah PTC's proven

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