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'Browse The Heaven of Post'

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Brain Astrologic Sign

A constellation is a group of stars that seem to form a specific configuration. In the three-dimensional space, most of the stars we observe do not have relationships with each other, but can be seen as a group on the ball of the night sky. Humans have a very high ability to recognize patterns and throughout history have grouped stars that appear close into constellations. The arrangement is not an official constellation, which is well known by the public but is not recognized by astronomers or the International Astronomical Union, also called asterism. The stars in the constellation or asterism rarely have a relationship astrophysics; they just happen to appear close together in the sky visible from Earth and are usually very far apart.

The grouping of stars into constellations is actually quite random and different cultures would have different constellations, although some are very easy to spot usually is often found, eg Orion or Scorpius.

 International Astronomical Union has divided the sky into 88 official constellations with clear boundaries, so any way belong to one constellation only. At hemisphere (hemispheres) to the north, most of the star constellation is based on the Greek tradition, passed down through the Middle Ages, and contains symbols of the zodiac.

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