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'Browse The Heaven of Post'

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Medieval Neuchwanstein Castle

Perhaps more worrisome was we were now too close to Neuschwanstein Castle to capture the picture that defined the true essence of it. We walked the perimeter of it, craning our necks back and soaking in the beauty of the spiers of the magnificent structure at the time - we were simply too close to appreciate the overall design as well. It was a beauty that would be more greatly appreciated as the sum of its parts. Unsatisfied and slightly annoyed we began our fall back to the car. Just a few hundred meters later my friend noticed a barrier blocking an ice and snow covered passage, suggesting it must lead to a better view, he eventually coaxed me into the restricted area. Having climbed the snowy and icy roads we finally reached the road cleared and continued on. As we continued our ascent, an opening in the tree line that had since dotted the road appeared ahead, and so did 2 older men, one holding a large camera. A sign of fear pierced my heart sending it to the fast pace and my stomach dropped - We were caught! What would we say? What we will do? My friend and I looked at each other nervously, both believing our adventure is done, but nothing was said and we never violates step as we sail against them.

A few more steps and we were within earshot. "Hey you want to do an interview?" Confusion splashed our faces, and the two men explained, Neither one of us really wants to do it, "We're from Brazilian TV and we did an article on Neuschwanstein Castle.". We are more interested in our surroundings, but the interview request paled our initial thoughts were caught.

Currently we stood perched on a cliff peek at what could be part of the work of Ansel Adams. A large valley lay before us, slightly to the right, the town is now deserted Hohenschwangau sat quiet, another castle sits high overlooking the town in one direction and in the other a glacial lake kissed the foot of the mountains in the distance. Behind us, the tower Neuschwanstein jetted above the tree line - we pined for a better view.

"So, if you do not mind, we'd love to interview you on your thoughts of Neuschwanstein." People sentence snapped my attention back to the present. We are obliged to give the interview, and fortunately he directed the questions to my friend. Once on camera my friend switched his tone of voice, which is hard to describe, perhaps a mix of arrogance and feigned enthusiasm, or perhaps just 'ass' plain. Whatever I was safe. I took the opportunity to immerse in the unimaginable beauty and snap some pictures that I only knew would bring little justice with my digital camera. solace I was disturbed by the demands of men to also do an interview. Awkward and uninterested I offered very little enthusiasm or originality with regard to their questions.

After the strange Brazilian interview on the deserted German mountain we continued to climb higher, following the path and avoid obstacles. Eventually led to a bridge, a small two people called wide Marienbruecke, perhaps spanning 50 meters in length, it joined the two mountains, and crossed a rocky canyon that is located hundreds of meters below. Fear of heights, I cautiously stepped onto the bridge, it was only after a few steps did I realize the 2 x 8 boards were rarely supported creaking wood and bent under my frame. "We've come too far 'I thought as I continued slowly to the middle of the bridge, gripping the metal railing, until the blood flowed from my knuckles rendering them white. Neuschwanstein Castle now stood directly in front of us, some distance away. It is perched on a plateau, where cliffs fell from the foundation on three sides. It was the ideal image, capturing both the majestic presence of the castle and the natural elements that embraced it. We both snapped some pictures and legitimized our breach.

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